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Netropy 4.0

Take your Test Lab
to the Next Level

Watch the On-Demand Tech-Talk: See What’s New in Netropy 4.0

Visualize your Test Environment

Netropy 4.0 introduces a brand new user interface with a topology editor that helps you visualize the networks you are emulating.

Label each connected device and path to easily identify every component of the test. The new graphical depiction of your environment makes setup and test execution faster and easier.
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Automate your Testing

The addition of a fully RESTful API means testing can be 100% automated. Write scripts in minutes to start & stop tests, add network components and change network conditions all without using the browser interface.

Plus, take advantage of our new preset network profiles to quickly spin up industry standard network conditions for Wi-Fi, 5G, SD-WAN, Cloud networks, Satellite networks, and more.

Upgrading to 4.0

The 4.0 update is available for free to all Netropy customers with current license or maintenance. Log into the support portal to download the firmware for your model.

Upgrading to 4.0

If you are a Linktropy customer, contact us to learn about our special upgrade offers.